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Our Programs

What We Do

1.Tackling Triple Burden of Malnutrition in Kenya (Over Nutrition)

Shule na Afya:
Target : school going children 3-18 years (NCD CHAMPIONS)
-Active Schools Initiative ;
This is a schools’ program with an objective to influence policy and action towards increased physical education and activity in schools.
Vijana na Afya
Target: Tertiary institution
we will create these chapters to create awareness on NCDs in the tertiary institutions & their communities, through activities and events that promote wellness in these communities
Wazee na Afya
Target: Senior citizens
-Provide pyschosocial support , skills and resources to Seniors care givers  to effectively take care of the senior’s Nutrition , fitness, psychological needs
-Education for seniors on prevention and management of  NCDs
Nutrition plays
Lishe Kwanza
Target: General Population
we seek to increase awareness on good nutrition and the negative effects of unhealthy diets & resulting malnutrition as major driver of NCDS, we will do this through:
-Nutrition education & counseling in pre schools, schools, workplace and health centres
-Promotion of better nutrition through various outreach programs
-Nutrition Assessments
Virtual Wellness
Target : General Population
Ultimate Mission is to have a Free Wellness App that all Android/Windows/Apple users can access nutrition and fitness coaching
At the moment we are utilizing google meet/ zoom to provide nutrition and fitness coaching.

2.Mental Health Awareness

Continous and Persistent exposure to psychosocial stress is linked to an increased risk of metabolic disease, including obesity, cardiovascular disease (CVD), and Type-2 diabetes mellitus etc.
Our interventions towards improving pyschological well being include:
-support to children
-socio-economic empowerment programs
-social support for elderly populations
-mental health promotional activities in schools & at work


 We use sporting and Community fitness camps to create  awareness on prevention & Management NCDS, to promote peace, environmental safe practices, integration and community empowerment.
Zoezi Mtaani :
What we do at Zoezi Mtaani Camps;
-Fitness Training Workshops
-Sweat For Charity
-Fitness training
-Calories for trees & safe environmental practices
We will use sports that are popular in different population as a vehicle for positive change.  Through a combination of on and off-field activities; we will creates pathways to uncommon outcomes for the youths, providing them with a healthy alternative lifestyle, and scout local talent. FHGKenya organises sporting tournaments and offer support to grass root teams to enable them reach their full potentials

4.Wellness For People Living With Disabilities 

Our main objective is to maximize participation for individuals with various forms of disabilities in fitness, recreational and competitive sports. Through these programs, PWDS are able to build self-confidence, improve health and well-being, and gain greater independence
Adaptive & Inclusive Fitness
-Provide support & skills to PWDs caregivers to ensure this program is a success
-Customised fitness classes , specifically adapted to the needs of each condition by our certified trainers.
-Partner with different stake holders to offer capacity building  to different practitioners on how to assess physical activity level for PWDs
-Increase education and awareness of the importance of physical activities for  PWDs
-Provide social support system to encourage the PWDs to engage in physical activities
Unlimited Adaptive Wellness Centres

Our goal is set up Adaptive Wellness Centres across Kenya. The centres will be built to meet the wellness of  PWDs in an affordable way. They will offer capacity building to their care givers and coordinate PWDS wellness programs in different places

walk for health
cancer walk
walk for health
walk for health
Kids Wellness NCDS
cancer walk